Chinese Film Festival Studies Conference
With the Support of
The UK Arts & Humanities Research Council and
the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong
1st APRIL 2014, University of Hong Kong
The Chinese Film Festival Studies Research Network (sponsored by the UK Arts & Humanities Research Council) brings together scholars in the UK, China, other parts of Asia, Europe and the USA who are working on film festivals in Chinese-language territories and cultures (including the People’s Republic, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and elsewhere). The Chinese Film Festival Studies Research Network will hold a workshop on March 31, 2014, for its core members. Following that, the University of Hong Kong will host a one-day conference on April 1, 2014.
If you are interested in film festivals in the Chinese-speaking world or festivals that feature Chinese-language cinema elsewhere, we sincerely invite you to submit a paper to be presented at the conference on April 1, 2014.
Please send proposals of 200-300 words as PDF or WORD attachments to Ms.Kasey (Man Man) Wong at
For all proposals, be certain to include the title, author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation, mailing address, and email contacts, as well as a brief biography in additional to the proposal abstract. For panel, workshop, and group submissions, be certain to provide a brief description (100 words) of the contribution of each participant.
Deadline for proposals: February 15, 2014
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out February 20, 2014.
We regret that we cannot offer any funds for travel or accommodation. However, there will be NO registration fee those presenting papers, serving as panel chairs, or participating in workshops, or in any other official capacity. Registered guests are welcome to attend as well; however, some conference events/meals may only be available for those presenting papers or serving in other official capacities.
About the Chinese Film Festival Studies Research Network: For more information on the Network and for event updates, visit its website at
Please direct all inquiries to Ms. Kasey (Man Man) Wong at .