Organized by Lucy Pizaña, Maja Korbecka, Skadi Loist
Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11
14482 Potsdam
Filmmuseum Potsdam
Breite Str. 1A
14467 Potsdam
14 February 2023
9:00-10:00 Arrival with Coffee / Tour through Filmuni / Welcome
@ Filmuni “Flyer”
10:00-12:00 Panel 1 Oral Tradition, the Past and the Future
@ Filmuni “Flyer”
Chair: Karen Sztajnberg
- Juliana Muylaert (Fluminense): Film Festival Studies and Oral History: Possibilities and Challenges
- Sinclair Portis (Michigan State): Oral-Visual Worldmaking: Afrofuturity within Film Festivals
- Saara Tuusa (Turku): Ethnography of Film: Film Festival as a Site of Embodied Authorship
- Respondent: María Paz Peirano
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Panel 2 Investigating Survival Strategies
@ Filmuni “Flyer”
Chair: Lucy Pizaña
- Onur Aytaç (Mersin): Festival Funds in Turkey and Independent Cinema
- Katrina Ross A. Tan (Los Baños): Cinema Rehiyon Goes Digital: Audience Engagement Strategies in an Online Film Festival
- Pedro Tinen (A.-v.-Humboldt-Stiftung/Oberhausen): The Film Markets as Film Forums: Debating Cultural and Audiovisual Policy
- Respondent: Marijke de Valck
Break & transfer to Filmmuseum Potsdam (keynote location)
18:00-19:30 Keynote
@Filmmuseum Potsdam
Aida Vallejo
Documentary Film Ecosystems. Mapping Festivals, Institutes and Networks

15th February 2023
9:00-10:00 Speed Dating / Mentoring Rounds
@ Filmuni “Flyer”
10:00-12:00 Panel 3 Festival Ecosystem
@ Filmuni “Flyer”
Chair: Skadi Loist
- Fengyun Zhang (UCLA): Film Festivals in Exile and the Remaking of Independent Chinese Cinema
- Dianora Hollmann (Ca’ Foscari): The Transformative Dimension of Film Festivals: An Ecosystemic Approach to the European Case
- Yulia Yurtaeva-Martens (Film University Babelsberg / Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut): And What about the TV Festivals?
- Respondent: Senem Ayşe Duruel Erkılıç
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Panel 4 Screening the Canonisation Process
@ Filmuni “Flyer”
Chair: Maja Korbecka
- Carine Bernasconi (Lausanne): “It’s a great day for Iranian Cinema!”: The Construction of a So-Called Iranian Cinema through the European Festival Network
- Isadora Campregher Paiva (Frankfurt/Main): Constructing the Weimar Canon: The Role of Early Film Societies
- Pengnan HU (Amsterdam): Making the Silk Road International Film Festival in Fuzhou: The Dynamics of Propaganda, Astute Actors, and Hidden Agendas
- Respondent: Aida Vallejo
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-18:00 Final Round
@ Filmuni “Flyer”