9.2 a) Film Genre

Under the rubric ‘film genre’ we group for instance festivals on fantasy, science fiction, horror, and crime (cf. Stringer 2008).


Hunter, Russ. 2022. “Capturing European Crime: European Crime Cinema at European Film Festivals.” Alphaville, no. 22: 31–41. https://doi.org/10.33178/alpha.22.02.

McVitie, Anne. 2018. “The Democratisation of Film Noir: A Case Study of the Noir City Film Festival, San Francisco, USA.” PhD Thesis, University of the West of Scotland.

Oliveira, Conrado Hernandes de. 2019. “Fantásticos Portos: Curadoria De Cinema Fantástico Nos Festivais Fantaspoa E Fantasporto.” Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho. https://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/bitstream/1822/64759/1/3_Disserta%c3%a7%c3%a3o_pg34132_Conrado%2bOliveira.pdf.

Rath, Linda L. 2017. “Building a DIY Genre Film Festivals Web Resource to Empower Digital Scholarship and Cultural Heritage Participation.” Moving Image 17 (1): 29–51.

Stringer, Julian. 2008. “Genre Films and Festival Communities: Lessons from Nottingham, 1991-2000.” Film International 6 (4): 53–60.


Fantasy Film Festivals

Dellert, Frederike. 2011. “Kontroverse Pioniere: Zur Kuration des Fantasy Filmfest.” Schnitt (2 (#62)): 35–36.

Gann, Jon. 2012. “’Select. Build. Party.’: Patrick Van Hauwaert, Razor Reel Fantastic Film Festival.” In Behind the Screens: Programmers Reveal How Film Festivals Really Work, 39–48. Washington, DC: Reel Plan Press.

Mendik, Xavier. 2004. “The Fantastik Film Festival: An Overview and Interview with Magnus Paulsson.” In Alternative Europe: Eurotrash and Exploitation Cinema Since 1945, edited by Ernest Mathijs and Xavier Mendik, 232–35. London: Wallflower.

van Extergem, Dirk. 2004. “The Brussels International Festival of Fantastic Film.” In Alternative Europe: Eurotrash and Exploitation Cinema Since 1945, edited by Ernest Mathijs and Xavier Mendik, 216–27. London: Wallflower.

Vivar Navas, Rosana. 2017. “Never Seen a Shot Like That Before! Playfulness and Participatory Audiences in San Sebastian Horror and Fantasy Film Festival.” In Live Cinema: Cultures, Economies, Aesthetics, edited by Sarah Atkinson and Helen W. Kennedy, 117–32. New York: Bloomsbury Academic & Professional.


Horror Film Festivals

Hills, Matt. 2010. “Attending Horror Film Festivals and Conventions: Liveness, Subcultural Capital and ‘Flesh-and-Blood Genre Communities’.” In Horror Zone: The Cultural Experience of Contemporary Horror Cinema, edited by Ian Conrich, 87–101. London, New York: I.B. Tauris.

Vivar Navas, Rosana. 2016. “A Film Bacchanal: Playfulness and Audience Sovereignty in San Sebastian Horror and Fantasy Film Festival.” Participations 13 (1): 234–51. http://www.participations.org/Volume%2013/Issue%201/S1/6.pdf.

Vivar Navas, Rosana. 2017. “Never Seen a Shot Like That Before! Playfulness and Participatory Audiences in San Sebastian Horror and Fantasy Film Festival.” In Live Cinema: Cultures, Economies, Aesthetics, edited by Sarah Atkinson and Helen W. Kennedy, 117–32. New York: Bloomsbury Academic & Professional.

(Last updated: 29. April 2024)