9.1.4 Children’s Film Festivals

Bisschoff, Lizelle, and Isabel Moura Mendes. “Africa in Motion (AiM) Film Festival 2011: Children and Youth in Africa.” Journal of African Cultural Studies, vol. 24, no. 1, 2012, pp. 107–12.

Brown, Noel. “Children’s Film, Nation and Identity”. In: The Children’s Film: Genre, Nation,and Narrative, Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 61-85.

Brown, Noel. “Contemporary Children’s Cinema: National and Transnational Trends”. In: The Children’s Film: Genre, Nation, and Narrative, Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 86-102.

Felsmann, Barbara, and Renate Zylla. 25 Jahre Kinderfilmfest: Blicke, Begegnungen, Berührungen / Moments, Meetings, Emotions. [bilingual], Jovis, 2002.

Felsmann, Klaus-Dieter. “Eine feste Bank: DEFA-Kinderfilme in 25 Berlinale-Jahren.” apropos Film 2002: Das Jahrbuch der DEFA-Stiftung, edited by DEFA-Stiftung, Bertz, 2002, pp. 190–98.

Kleeman, David W.: “Prix Jeunesse as a Force for Cultural Diversity”. In: Singer, Dorothy G., and Jerome L. Singer, editors. Handbook of children and the media. 2nd ed., SAGE, 2011, pp. 521-532.

Kübler, Hans-Dieter. “Kinderfilm: Vom Märchengemälde zu ambitionierten Kinogenre”. In: Medien für Kinder: Von der Literatur zum Internet-Portal. Ein Überblick, Westdeutscher Verlag, 2002, pp. 82-92.

Pillai, Swarnavel Eswaran. „Dubashi: Indian Film, Cross-Cultural Communication and Screenings for Children“. In: Beeler, Karin E., and Stanley W. Beeler, editors: Children’s film in the digital age: Essays on audience, adaptation and consumer culture, McFarland & Company, 2015, pp. 148-159.

Wojcik-Andrews, Ian. “Part 3: History”. In: Children’s films: History, ideology, pedagogy, theory, Garland, 2000, pp. 51-122.

(Last updated: 28 January 2021)