BA/MA Theses

Dawood, Hayder. 2022. “Seeking Legitimacy Through Specialization and Diversification: How Do Film Festivals Select Films.” MA Industrial Management and Innovation, Uppsala University.

Finger, Viola Mariol. 2012. “Die Berlinale im Wandel: Explorative Studie zur strukturellen Veränderung eines Filmfestivals.” MA Thesis, Leuphana Universität.

Giliberti, Michele. 2020. “Film Festival Studies: Mappatura di un Sistema in Divenire.” Masterarbeit, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. Accessed June 04, 2021.

Lima, Kezya Silva Coelho. 2017. “Turismo Responsável E Eventos: Uma Análise Sobre a Responsabilidade a Partir Do Festival Internacional De Cinema E Vídeo Ambiental (FICA) Em Goiás/GO.” Masterarbeit, Centro De Excelência Em Turismo, Universidade de Brasilia. Accessed November 25, 2022.

Sheikh, Khurram Nawaz. 2021. “The Local at a Global Scale: The Role of the Film Talents Workshop in Shaping Emerging Film Talents Workshop in Shaping Emerging Film Cultures of Pakistan.” Masterarbeit, Media School, Indiana University. Accessed October 07, 2021.

Smart, Scott. 2020. “Being Seen Making Scenes: An Archival Exploration of Ottawa’s First Gay and Lesbian Film and Video Festival.” Master Thesis, Carleton University.

Vallecillos Soldado, Maria. 2021. “Filmfestivals in Baden-Württemberg: Potenziale, Herausforderungen Und Bedarfe.” Masterarbeit, Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg. Accessed January 29, 2023.

Walters, Elizabeth. 2020. “’Cinematic Art in all Its Forms’: Netflix and the Film Festival Network.” MFA Thesis, College of Communication, Boston University.

(Last updated: 30. April 2024)