The last section of our annotated film festival bibliography collects articles, book chapters and books that have been created with varying purposes. There are several books that have been edited to celebrate major anniversaries of festivals; some of those focus on the glamour and highlights (e.g. Baecque 2007; Toubiana 1997 etc.), while others strive for a contextualization and critical remembrance (e.g. Behnken 2004; Schenk 2007). Among the books, chapters, and articles are pieces collecting and describing a festival history (Stanfield 2008), or analyzing specific discourses and issues using a specific case study (e.g. Hope/Dickerson 2006a, b, c; Martini 2007).
AHN, SooJeong. 2008. “The Pusan International Film Festival 1996-2005: South Korean Cinema in Local, Regional, and Global Context.” PhD Thesis, Faculty of Arts, School of American and Canadian Studies, Institute of Film Studies, University of Nottingham. Accessed July 02, 2021.
Ambrosioni, Dalmazio. 1998. Locarno città del cinema: I cinquant’anni del Festival internazionale del film. Locarno: A. Dadò. [Locarno city of cinema: The 50th anniversary of the International Film Festival].
Anderson, John. 2000. Sundancing: Hanging Out and Listening in at America’s Most Important Film Festival. New York: Spike.
Bart, Peter. 1997. Cannes: Fifty Years of Sun, Sex & Celluloid: Behind the Scenes at the World’s Most Famous Film Festival. New York: Hyperion.
Beauchamp, Cari, and Henri Béhar. 1992. Hollywood on the Riviera: The Inside Story of the Cannes Film Festival. New York: W. Morrow and Co.
Behnken, Klaus, ed. 2004. Kurz und klein: 50 Jahre Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz.
Bento Ribeiro, Ana. 2018. “Cinelink, Sarajevo: Interactions D’un Marché Régional Aux Marges De L’europe.” [Cinelink, Sarajevo: interactions of a regional market at the margins of Europe]. entrelacs, no. 14.
Berry, Chris. 2007. “10 Years Young: The Shanghai International Film Festival.” Senses of Cinema (45). Accessed May 20, 2020.
Beyer, René, and Alfred Georg Frei, eds. 2008. Die Traumfabrik von gestern: Merseburger DEFA-Filmtage. Halle: Projekte. [The Dream-Factory of Yesterday. Merseburger DEFA-Film-Days].
Billard, Pierre. 1997. Le Festival de Cannes: D’or et de palmes. Découvertes Gallimard. Cinéma 314. [France]: Gallimard. [Le Festival de Cannes: D’or et de palmes].
Bono, Francesco. 1991. “La Mostra del Cinema di Venezia: Nascita e Sviluppo nell’Anteguerra (1932-1939).” [The Venice Film Festival: Birth and Development in the Prewar Era (1932-1939)]. Storia Contemporanea 22 (3): 513–49.
Bono, Francesco. 1992. “Venezia 1932: Il Cinema Diverta Arte.” In Biennale, 91–109. Venice: Fabbri Editori.
Bono, Francesco. 2001. “EXTASE am Lido: Chronik eines Skanals.” In Ekstase, edited by Armin Loacker, 115–45. Edition Film und Text 4. Wien: Filmarchiv Austria.
Broe, Dennis. 2011. “The Film Festival as a Site of Resistance: Pro or Cannes.” Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination 4 (1): 33–52. Accessed July 02, 2021.
Cascais, António Fernando, and João Ferreira, eds. 2014. Cinema e Cultura Queer | Queer Film and Culture: Queer Lisboa – Festival Internacional de Cinema Queer | International Queer Film Festival. Lisboa.
Cazzaro, Davide, and Darcy Paquet. 2015. BIFF X BIFF. Busan: Busan International Film Festival. Foreword by Lee Chang-dong.
Cheung, Ruby. 2009. “Corporatising a Film Festival: Hong Kong.” In Film Festival Yearbook 1: The Festival Circuit, edited by Dina Iordanova and Ragan Rhyne, 99–115. St. Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies.
Corless, Kieron, and Chris Darke. 2007. Cannes: Inside the World’s Premier Film Festival. London: Faber & Faber.
Cortés-Selva, Laura, Montserrat Jurado-Martín, and Luidmila Ostrovskaya. 2018. “European Jewels: Camerimage, the Uniqueness of a Festival Devoted to the Art of Cinematography.” Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73: 614–32.
Cowie, Peter. 2010. Die Berlinale: Das Festival: Bertz + Fischer.
Cowie, Peter. 2010. The Berlinale: The Festival. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer.
Čulík, Jan, and Emma Čulík. 2010. “Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2009: A Remarkable Showcase of Contemporary Cinema.” Studies in Eastern European Cinema 1 (1): 119–26.
Deleau, Pierre-Henri, ed. 1993. La Quinzaine Des Réalisateurs À Cannes: Cinéma En Liberté (1969-1993). Paris: Éditions de La Martinière.
Deleau, Pierre-Henri. 1998. Les réalisateurs de la Quinzaine: Festival de Cannes 20e anniversaire. Paris: Asnières.
Diepenbroick, Dorothée von, and Skadi Loist, eds. 2009. Bildschön: 20 Jahre Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg. Hamburg: Männerschwarm.
Diestro-Dópido, Mar. 2021. “BAFICI, Buenos Aires Festival Internacional De Cine Independiente: The Festival as International Platform.” In Film Festivals: Cinema and Cultural Exchange, 33–86. Cambridge: Legenda; Modern Humanities Research Association.
Diestro-Dópido, Mar. 2021. “Festival De San Sebastián/Donostia Zinemaldia/International Film Festival: A Film Festival of Contrasts.” In Film Festivals: Cinema and Cultural Exchange, 87–140. Cambridge: Legenda; Modern Humanities Research Association.
Diestro-Dópido, Mar. 2021. “The BFI London Film Festival: A Public Festival of Festivals.” In Film Festivals: Cinema and Cultural Exchange, 141–93. Cambridge: Legenda; Modern Humanities Research Association.
Fehrenbach, Heide. 2020. “The Berlin International Film Festival: Between Cold War Politics and Postwar Reorientation.” Studies in European Cinema 17 (2): 81–96.
Francia, Aldo. 1990. Nuevo cine latinoamericano en Viña del Mar: [New Latin American cinema in Viña del Mar]. Santiago de Chile: CESOC Ediciones ChileAmérica.
Friers, Pamela, ed. 1998. Abgezoomt – das Buch zum Festival: Filme, MacherInnen und Entwürfe. München: KoPäd-Verl. 10 Jahre Kinder- und Jugendfilm in Hamburg, Dokumentation der Hamburger Film- und Videoschau Abgezoomt – das Festival des Jüngsten Films.
Galán, Diego. 2001. Jack Lemmon nunca cenó aquí: Trece años y un día en el Festival de Cine de San Sebastián. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés. [Jack Lemmon never dined here: Thirteen years and one day at the San Sebastian Film Festival].
Galán, Diego. 2002. 50 años de rodaje. Festival de Cine de San Sebastián = 50 urte jardunean. Donostiako nazioarteko zinemaldia. Donostia-San Sebastián, Madrid: Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián; Ocho y Medio, Libros de Cine. [50 years of filming. San Sebastian Film Festival].
Galliner, Nicola, ed. 2004. Jewish Film Festival Berlin: Filme, Bilder, Geschichten. Die ersten zehn Jahre. Berlin: be.bra.
Galliner, Nicola, and Jüdisches Kulturinstitut in Deutschland e.V., eds. 2019. Celebration! 25 Jahre Jüdisches Filmfestival Berlin & Brandenburg: 25 Years Jewish Film Festival Berlin & Brandenburg. Berlin: Neofelis. Accessed February 10, 2020.
Gehler, Fred, ed. 1998. Dialog mit einem Mythos: Ästhetische und politische Entwicklungen des Leipziger Dokumentarfilm-Festivals in vier Jahrzehnten. Leipzig: Leipziger Univ.-Verl. Vorträge und Diskussionen des Symposiums anläßlich des 40. Festivals 1997, zugleich VII. Hochschultage für Medien und Kommunikation.
Gimello-Mesplomb, Frédéric. 2014. Objectif 49: Cocteau et la nouvelle avant-garde. Paris: Séguier. [Objectife 49: Cocteau and the new avant-garde].
Hamid, Rahul. 2009. “From Urban Bohemia to Euro Glamour: The Establishment and Early Years of the New York Film Festival.” In Film Festival Yearbook 1: The Festival Circuit, edited by Dina Iordanova and Ragan Rhyne, 67–81. St. Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies.
Hardy, Forsyth. 1992. Slightly Mad and Full of Dangers: The Story of the Edinburgh Film Festival. Edinburgh: Ramsay Head Press.
Hope, Cathy, and Adam Dickerson. 2006. “’Films for the Intelligent Layman’: The Origins of the Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals (1952-1958).” Screening the Past (19). Accessed March 16, 2008.
Hope, Cathy, and Adam Dickerson. 2006. “’Ill-Will with the Trade’: The Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals (1959-1964).” Screening the Past (20). Accessed March 16, 2008.
Hope, Cathy, and Adam Dickerson. 2006. “’Separating the Sheep from the Goats’: The Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals (1965-1972).” Screening the Past (20). Accessed May 22, 2020.
Hope, Cathy, and Adam Dickerson. 2011. “‘Give It a Go You Apes’: Relations Between the Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals, and the Early Australian Film Industry (1954–1970).” Screening the Past (30). Accessed May 22, 2020.
Huber, Christoph. 2009. “Status Quo and Beyond: The Viennale, a Success Story.” In Dekalog 3: On Film Festivals, edited by Richard Porton, 131–42. London: Wallflower.
Die Berlinale. 2010. München: Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Jacob, Gilles. 2011. Citizen Cannes: The Man Behind the Cannes Film Festival. Berlin: Phaidon.
Jacobsen, Wolfgang. 1990. Berlinale: [40 Jahre] Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin; [1951 – 1990]. Berlin: Argon.
Jelenković, Dunja, ed. 2013. Festival Kratkog Metra – 60 Godina. Monografija Beogradskog Festivala Dokumentarnog I Kratkometražnog Filma: The Short Film Fest – 60 Years. Monograph on the Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival. Belgrade: FEST Head Office. Serbian/English.
Johnson, Brian D. 2000. Brave Films, Wild Nights: 25 Years of Festival Fever. Toronto: Random House Canada.
Junior, Erly Vieria. 2018. “Por Um Cinema Com Arestas: A Experiência Da Mostra Corsária No Festival De Cinema De Vitória (2012-2016).” In Curadoria, Cinema E Outros Modos De Dar a Ver, edited by Gabriel Menotti, 117–32. Vitória, Spain: EDUFES. [For a Cinema with Edges: the Experience of the Corsair Showcase at the Vitória Film Festival (2012-2016)].
Junior, Fernando Biagini, and Noélia Borges de Araújo. 2020. “I Festival De Cinema Irlandês.” [The 1st Irish Film Festival]. Inventário (25): 211–22. Accessed June 02, 2023.
Kern, Laura, Joanne Koch, and Richard Peña, eds. 2012. New York Film Festival Anniversary Gold. New York: Film Society of Lincoln Center.
Killick, Anthony. 2014. “Film Festivals and the Neo-Liberal City.” Dialectical Films: Radical Film Theory And Practice in Association with the Bristol Radical Film Festival, June 3, 2014. online.
Kötzing, Andreas. 2004. Die Internationale Leipziger Dokumentar- und Kurzfilmwoche in den 1970er Jahren. Media Studien 12. Leipzig: Leipziger Univ.-Verl.
“Festschrift 10 Jahre KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg.” 2002. Unpublished manuscript, last modified June 02, 2008.
Latil, Loredana. 2005. Le festival de Cannes sur la scène internationale. Paris: Nouveau monde.
Ledergerber, Norbert, and Urs Jaeggi. 1985. Solothurner Filmtage 1966-1985: Geschichte und Entwicklung: aus Anlass der. 20. Filmtage. Freiburg, Schweiz: Universitätsverlag.
Lloyd, Matthew. 2011. How the Movie Brats Took over Edinburgh: The Impact of Cinéphilia on Edinburgh International Film Festival, 1968-1980. St. Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies.
Lobo, Juliana Campos. 2018. “A Preservação Da Memória Cultural: Prototipagem De Uma Plataforma Digital Colaborativa Para O Festival Guarnicê De Cinema.” Doktorarbeit, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte; Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Aveiro; Universidade do Porto.
Lucchini, Domenico, Martin Schlappner, Virgilio Gilardoni, Freddy Buache, Sandro Bianconi, Martin Schaub, and Guglielmo Volonterio, eds. 1987. Festival internazionale del film Locarno: 40 ans | 40 anni | 40 Jahre: Six essais critiques | Sei saggi critici | Sechs kritische Essays. With the assistance of D. Lucchini and G. C. Bertelli. Locarno.
Ma, Ran. 2018. “Asian Documentary Connections and “The International Film Festival Short Circuit”: Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (YIDFF) As a Case Study.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Asian Cinema, edited by Aaron H. J. Magnan-Park, Gina Marchetti, and See K. Tan, 171–89. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Macleod, Allison. 2016. “Embodying Counter-Public Space and Performing Queer Culture: The Inaugural Scottish Queer International Film Festival 2015.” Screen Bodies 1 (2): 92–98.
Manciet, Yves. 2004. Cannes: Premières Années Du Festival. Roanne: Thoba’s.
Martini, Heidi. 2007. Dokumentarfilm-Festival Leipzig: Filme und Politik im Blick und Gegenblick. 1. Aufl. Schriftenreihe der DEFA-Stiftung. Berlin: DEFA-Stiftung.
McArthur, Colin. 1990. “The Rises and Falls of the Edinburgh International Film Festival.” In From Limelight to Satellite: A Scottish Film Book, edited by Eddie Dick, 91–102. London.
Miliokas, Lydia. 2018. “Under “The Half-Lit Moon”: Theories of Expanded Cinema and Nuit Blanche Edmonton 2015.” CJFS 27 (1): 31–43.
Mitterrand, Frédéric. 2007. Le Festival De Cannes. Paris: Laffont.
Moine, Caroline. 2014. Cinéma et guerre froide: Histoire du festival de films documentaires de Leipzig (1955-1990). Histoire contemporaine. Paris: Publications Sorbonne. [Cinema and Cold War: History of the Leipzig Documentary Film Festival (1955-1990)].
Moller, Olaf. 2009. “Bagatelle for Kino Otek and I 1000 Occhi.” In Dekalog 3: On Film Festivals, edited by Richard Porton, 143–50. London: Wallflower.
Mouzaki, Despina, ed. 2009. 1960-2009: Πενήντα Χρόνια Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης | 1960-2009: Fifty Years of Thessaloniki Film Festival. Thessaloniki: Ianos. [In Greek].
Museum of Modern Art, New York. 1992. Cannes 45 Years: Festival International Du Film. New York: The Museum. “Published on the occasion of the exhibition “.
Paillard, Jérôme, and Hélène Laurichesse. 2018. “Le Marché Du Film Du Festival De Cannes.” [The Cannes Festival Film Market]. entrelacs, no. 14.
Pascal, Michel. 1997. Cannes, cris et chuchotements. Paris: NiL éditions; Diffusion, Seuil.
Paulon, Flavia. 1971. La dogaressa contestata: La favolosa storia della mostra di Venezia: dalle regine alla contestazione. Mestre: Trevisanstampa.
Philippe, Claude-Jean. 1987. Cannes, Le Festival. Paris: Nathan Sipa.
Pisu, Stefano. 2013. Stalin a Venezia: L’Urss alla Mostra del cinema fra diplomazia culturale e scontro ideologico (1932-1953). Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. [Stalin in Venice: The USSR at the Venice Film Festival between cultural diplomacy and ideological clash (1932-1953)].
Ponomareva, Galina. 2014. Das internationale lesbisch-schwule Filmfestival “Bok o Bok”: Zur Konstruktion von LGBT-Öffentlichkeit im politischen Kontext der Russischen Föderation. Berlin: Avinus.
Porton, Richard. 2010. “The Toronto International Film Festival at the Crossroads.” Cineaste 36 (1): 32–35. Accessed January 05, 2011.
Quin, Élisabeth, and Noël Simsolo, eds. 2007. Cannes: Elles/Ils ont Fait le Festival. Paris: Cahiers du cinéma.
Rae, Ian, and Jessica Thom. 2016. “The Rise and Fall of the Stratford International Film Festival.” CJFS 25 (1): 67–87.
Reinhardt, Thomas. 1998. 20 Jahre Filmfestival Max-Ophüls-Preis. Sulzbach: Moviestore-Co.-Verl.
Ribas, Daniel, and Mario Micaelo, eds. 2012. Puro Cinema: Curtas Vila Do Conde 20 Anos Depois = Pure Cinema: Curtas Vila De Conde 20 Years After. Vila do Conde: Curtas Metragens, CRL.
Riskala, Tuomas. 2004. “A Report on the Espoo Ciné Festival.” In Alternative Europe: Eurotrash and Exploitation Cinema Since 1945, edited by Ernest Mathijs and Xavier Mendik, 228–31. London: Wallflower.
Rithdee, Kong. 2009. “The Sad Case of the Bangkok Film Festival.” In Dekalog 3: On Film Festivals, edited by Richard Porton, 122–30. London: Wallflower.
Rocha, Daniel Pereira. 2016. “Dinâmica Cultural: Cinema, Ritual E Política a Partir Do Festival Panorama Internacional Coisa De Cinema.” Dissertation, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal Da Bahia. Accessed November 19, 2022.[Daniel%20Rocha].pdf.
Roddolo, Enrica. 2003. La Biennale: Arte, polemiche, scandali e storie in Laguna. Gli specchi della memoria. Venezia: Marsilio.
Romer, Jean-Claude. 2002. Cannes Memories, 1939-2002: La Grande Histoire Du Festival L’album Officiel Du 55e Anniversaire. Montreuil: Media Business & Partners.
Rueda, Amanda. 2018. “Festival Et Marché: Le Rôle Du Festival Cinélatino De Toulouse Dans L’industrie Du « Cinéma D’auteur ».” [Festival and markets: the role of the Toulouse Cinélatino Festival in the “auteur cinema” industry]. entrelacs, no. 14.
Schenk, Ralf. 2007. Bilder einer gespaltenen Welt: 50 Jahre Leipziger Dokumentar- und Animationsfilmfestival. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer.
Scherrer, Jean-Baptiste. 2018. “Le Festival Et Le Marché International Du Film D’animation D’annecy, Un Exemple De Réconciliation Entre La Loi Du Marché Et L’intervention Institutionnelle: [The Annecy International Animation Film Festival and Its Market (Mifa), an Example of Reconciliation Between the Law of the Market and Institutional Intervention].” entrelacs, no. 14.
Schröder, Nicolaus. 2000. Zwischen Barrikade und Elfenbeinturm: Zur Geschichte des unabhängigen Kinos. 30 Jahre Internationales Forum des Jungen Films. Edited by Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek. Berlin: Henschel.
Segal, Jérôme, and Christine Blumauer. 2011. “Cannes: A French International Festival.” In Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere, edited by Liana Giorgi, Monica Sassatelli, and Gerard Delanty, 156–72. Abingdon, New York: Routledge.
Servat, Henry-Jean. 2007. Si le festival de Cannes m’était conté… Paris: Filipacchi.
Smith, Lory. 1999. Party in a Box: The Story of the Sundance Film Festival. 1st ed. Salt Lake City, Utah: Gibbs Smith.
Stanfield, Peter. 2008. “Notes Toward a History of the Edinburgh International Film Festival, 1969-1977.” Film International 6 (4): 63–71.
Steinmetz, Rüdiger, and Hans-Jörg Stiehler. 1997. Das Leipziger Dokfilm-Festival und sein Publikum: Eine Studie zu Image, Akzeptanz und Resonanz 1993-1996. Leipzig: Leipziger Univ.-Verl.
Steinmetz, Rüdiger, Hans-Jörg Stiehler, and Johanna Wank. 2007. Das Leipziger Dokfilm-Festival und sein Publikum II: Eine Nachfolge-Studie 2006 zu Image, Akzeptanz und Resonanz. Leipzig: Leipziger Univ.-Verl.
Thévenin, Olivier. 2008. La S.R.F. [Société des réalisateurs de films] et la Quinzaine des réalisateurs 1968-2008: Une construction d’identités collectives. With the assistance of L. Latil and S. Bruneau. Montreuil: Aux lieux d’être.
Töteberg, Michael, ed. 2012. Filmfest Hamburg. With the assistance of F. Kykillus and U. Ortlieb. 1st ed. Hamburg: Junius. Michael Töteberg.
Toubiana, Serge. 1997. Cannes cinema: Cinquante ans de festival vus par traverso. Paris: Cahiers du cinema.
Triana Toribio, Nuria. 2007. “El festival de los cinéfilos transnacionales: Festival Cinematográfico Internacional de la República Argentina en Mar del Plata, 1959-1970.” [The Festival of Transnational Filmmakers: International Film Festival of the Argentine Republic in Mar del Plata, 1959-1970]. Secuencias: Revista de Historia del Cine (25): 25–45.
Uféras, Gérard, and Marc Bessou. 2005. Les Coulisses Du Festival: Cannes, Carlton. Paris: Flammarion. [Behind the scenes of the festival: Cannes, Carlton].
Vinuela, Ana. 2018. “Le Marché De La Coproduction De La Berlinale Dans L’univers Du Cinéma Du Monde.” [The Berlinale co-production market within global cinema]. entrelacs, no. 14: 1–11.
Volonterio, Guglielmo. 1997. Dalle suggestioni del Parco alla Grande Festa del Cinema: Storia del Festival di Locarno 1946-1997. Venezia: Marsilio. [From the fascination of the Park to the Great Film Festival: History of the Locarno Film Festival 1946-1997].
Winton, Ezra. 2020. “Mainstreaming Documentary and Activism at Toronto’s Hot Docs Festival.” In Documentary Film Festivals Vol. 1: Methods, History, Politics, edited by Aida Vallejo and Ezra Winton, 193–220. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
(Last updated: 30. April 2024)