At the 2016 SCMS conference, happening in Atlanta March 30-April 3, there are a number of panels and events related to film festival research. Here are the events endorsed by the Film and Media Festivals SIG of SCMS:
The annual business meeting of the Film and Media festivals SIG will be held on Wednesday, March 30 from 2:00pm-3:45pm in Room 410 (Fourth Floor).
The Film and Media festivals SIG will be hosting a happy hour on Thursday, March 31 at 5:30pm at Max Lager’s Wood-Fired Grill & Brewery (a short walk from the conference hotel), at which we will toast the release of Film Festivals: History, Theory, Method, Practice, edited by Marijke de Valck, Brendan Kredell, and Skadi Loist.
We encourage you to check out the following Film & Media Festival SIG-sponsored panels at SCMS 2016:
B3: Festival Mobilities: Movement, Movements, Publics
- CHAIR Bernard Cook • Georgetown University
- Vincent Pham • California State University San Marcos • “Drive Outs to ‘Drive By Cinema’: Public Modality and Space in an Irregular Film Festival Project”
- Ran Ma • Nagoya University • “The Asian Documentary Connections: From Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (YIDFF) to Asian Network of Documentary (AND)”
- Bernard Cook • Georgetown University • “Reality Circuits: The Documentary Film Festival and the Mode of Production of Documentary”
- Olivier Thevenin • University of Upper Alsace • “Auteur Cinema at Cannes Film Festival and the Directors’ Fortnight”
K15: Film Festivals, Cultural Memory, and Politics of the (In)visible
- CHAIR Antoine Damiens • Concordia University
CO-CHAIR John Lessard • University of the Pacific - John Lessard • University of the Pacific • “The East German Amateur Film Festival as Archive”
- Kristine Kotecki • Ball State University • “Re-collecting Yugoslavia: Curatorial Politics at Regional Film Festivals”
- Beth Tsai • SUNY, University at Stony Brook • “Visible Art, Invisible Nations?: On the Politics in Film Festivals and the Case of Taiwanese Cinema”
- Antoine Damiens • Concordia University • “Screening Festivals: Queer Film Festivals as Visual Architecture”
While not officially sponsored by the SIG, we also encourage you to check out the following festival-related panels:
C19: Strange Bedfellows: Questioning the Strategic Value of Intra-Industry Relationships
- Chair: Joshua Coonrod (Indiana University)
- Joshua Coonrod (Indiana University), “”I Wanted To See Your Movie, But The Line To Meet Tom Savini Was SO LONG”: Intersections of Film Festivals and Fan Conventions”
- Anne Major (University of Texas, Austin), “Powering Premium Content: An Analysis of Ooyala’s Online Video Services”
- Jesse Balzer (Indiana University), ““Honoring the Stars Who Make the Stars Shine”: The Prestige Economy and Labor of The Hollywood Reporter’s Key Art Awards”
F15: Paratextual Analysis and Global Circulation
- Chair: Lisa Patti (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
Co-Chair: David Richler (Carleton University) - David Richler (Carleton University), “Film Festival Paratexts, Digital Circulation, and the Idea of World Cinema”
- Pavitra Sundar (Kettering University), “Sound and Subtitles: The Paratexts of Lunchbox”
- Melissa Gelinas (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), “Trailers and the Transnational Circulation of Multilingual Films”
- Fan Yang (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), “House of Cards in China: Paratexts and Transnational Circulation”
M15: French Cinema at the Margins: Forgotten Sites, Practices, and Discourses, 1920-1960
- Chair: Eric Smoodin (University of California, Davis)
- Eric Smoodin (University of California, Davis), “The Last Amateurs of Pure Cinema: Ciné-Clubs and French Film Culture, 1927-1945”
- Annie Fee (University of Washington, Seattle), “Educational Cinema Between Art and Social Activism: Competing Cinephilias in 1920s Paris”
- Jennifer Wild (University of Chicago), “Beyond the Margin: Against Avant-Garde Film c. 1930”
- Brian Jacobson (University of Toronto), “Industrial Film Festivals and the Cultural Politics of Postwar Business”
N11: British Film Cultures
- Chair: Lindsey Decker (Syracuse University)
- Robert Shail (Leeds Beckett University), “John Krish and British Art Cinema”
- Rachel Fabian (University of California, Santa Barbara), ““What Are We Left With?”: The London Women’s Film Group and the Limits of 1970s British Alternative Film Culture”
- Lindsey Decker (Syracuse University), “The British Are (or Aren’t) Coming: Transnational Influence, Film Festivals, and Middle-Class British Film Culture”
- Justin Smith (University of Portsmouth), “Ploughing a lonely furrow?: “A Field in England” (2013) and alternative distribution in the UK”